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Jagaban Govt and the Travesty of Charging 76 Minors with Insurrection and Treasonable Felonies

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*Jagaban Govt and the Travesty of Charging 76 Minors with Insurrection and Treasonable Felonies*

Following the outrage of Nigerians over the barbaric act of arresting, starving, and charging minor children with treason and insurrection—after holding them in jail for over 90 days with adults—we are now informed that the Attorney General, under the direction of the President, has called for a review of this shameful incident.

While we should feel grateful that the President acted swiftly in response to the public outcry, this action raises more questions than it answers.

This decision by the President and the Attorney General, while welcome, raises deeply troubling questions about the government and this “Emilokan” presidency.

1. Is the Attorney General seriously claiming ignorance?

Is our honorable Attorney General truly claiming he had no idea that these children—most under 15 years of age—were held for 90 days? Or is he asserting he didn’t know they were being charged in Abuja with treason? Seriously?

By the prosecutor’s own admission, these kids were arrested (or abducted) by government agents from places like Kano, Kaduna, and other northern regions, and brought to Abuja, where both the President and the Attorney General reside.

These children were held in jail with adults for over 90 days before being brought to court. How can the head of our justice system claim ignorance?

They were charged in Abuja after allegedly being starved to near death by officials. We saw them in court, some fainting in the dock, yet the Attorney General’s office is only now calling for the file? Seriously?

2. In the Attorney General’s letter, he claimed it “just came to his notice”

Even before the President’s reaction, the Attorney General, in his letter, pretended or claimed that “it has just come to my notice” that these children were being charged with treason.


While it’s good that he’s now requesting the case file, this action alone reveals a weakness or lack of control over his ministry. Treason is a federal offense, not a state one. These children were arrested in Kaduna and Kano and brought to Abuja for trial; this is clearly a federal matter. They were arraigned in Abuja, where the Attorney General operates, and now he’s “requesting” the file from his subordinates. If this was done without his knowledge, his subordinates should be “facing the wall” for such a severe overstep.

It seems he is embarrassed and trying to suggest he was unaware, or his team holds him in such disregard that they dared to charge minors with treason without informing him.

Charging people with treasonable felonies without explicit approval from the Attorney General is also deeply troubling, as his reaction now suggests he had no knowledge of these children’s plight.

3. What really drives me mad is that some members and supporters of this government still defend this barbaric act. Some still manage to find justification in the disgraceful arraignment of minors—starved and treated like animals in our court system, with some fainting in the dock. Jeez.

The misguided prosecutor even held a press conference, claiming these children were adults and married. We could see them with our own eyes; we know what an adult Nigerian looks like, even if starved near death by the government in detention.

As a Nigerian, I felt a deep sense of shame, to be honest. How can this happen? How can men with children of their own justify this?

I am a die-hard Nigerian, and there’s no way we’re giving up on our country to let clowns inherit it. This is not about Nigerians themselves, and those giving up on Nigeria are mistaken. Nigeria is a beautiful country God has given us; it is we, the people, who run it.

The problem isn’t Nigeria but those we trusted with power. Yet, Nigerians, and the few leaders not yet intoxicated with power, can still make a difference.

Whatever happens, this shameful incident will remain a dark stain on the souls of those in this government who knew about it. It’s a disgrace for all government supporters who are not outraged. Supporting a government doesn’t mean justifying madness or defending the indefensible. These are children, for God’s sake—there should be limits to political vendettas.

The government should release them and discipline the prosecutors behind this travesty (assuming, of course, they weren’t just following orders from the Attorney General or the President). Even if they were, they should have refused such an unconscionable order and resigned. Those involved should seek peace with their God if they believe in one.

My name is Ope Banwo, the Self-Appointed ‘Mayor Of Fadeyi’ and I say unequivocally that this action of the govt is a disgrace and the govt needs to reverse course immediately instead of digging down in defence  of an unconscionable act .

12 thoughts on “Jagaban Govt and the Travesty of Charging 76 Minors with Insurrection and Treasonable Felonies

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